Introducing a Prepper’s Journal

doomsday_gas_mask_240x240Hey fellow doomsday prepper’s! My name is Mika and I am preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Not really, I’m just kidding. That’s what we joke about with my colleagues. I’m really just preparing for any event that could turn the little city of Los Angels, California into total chaos. It could be anything from an earthquake to tsunami to economic collapse to a terrorist attach. I don’t really go into extremes with my preps but I still want to be somewhat prepared to have an edge over those who are not prepared.

I like camping, hiking, shooting guns and of course prepping. I’ve only really started getting into the whole prepping mentality after I moved to USA from northern Europe. Especially living in the city of Los Angeles has made me much more aware that I need to prep for both my wife and me. I’m going to be posting reviews of gear I buy and also write about online resources I discover.

My wife doesn’t know that I prep but she’s totally on board with being prepered for an earthquake and she also likes camping and being more self sufficient. Well as much as you can be while living in the city in a small apartment.

I hope you find this blog useful.