Monthly Archives: March 2022

Hello 2022

It’s been years since I last wrote anything here. There’s been a global pandemic raging for past two years and just a while ago Russia started a war with Ukraine. It is quite possible the start of world war 3 even though we are not quite there yet.

I moved from Los Angeles back to my home country Finland quite a few years ago which pretty much is why I stopped writing here and focused more on my finance blog. Finland is one of the safest countries in the world or so I thought. We live next to Russia and we are not a NATO member because of our neutrality.

So I find myself seriously prepping again. We’ve had pretty good setup already from the days in Los Angeles with also all the camping gear. Now I’m preparing for a more bleak situation if Putin decides to invade Finland. If that were to happen I would be most likely be called to serve my country as I like most of my fellow country men have served in military. So I need to make sure my wife and children have everything they need if I’m not here to take care of them.

I also live close to Helsinki, the capital of Finland, which would be very likely target of bombing. We live in a house so we don’t have a fallout shelter but there’s several close by including an apartment building I own one apartment. Those have all the equipment to keep you sheltered but doesn’t have any food or water.

So I still have several things to prepare even though we are much better prepared than most. I will update you with some of those things like when I put together our our go bag. Hope you follow along.